Class 4 Softswitch Solution With Infusion of AI

3 minutes read
Class 4 SoftSwitch
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Class 4 Softswitch is a solution that routes a large volume of VoIP calls simultaneously for long distances. It manages traffic over the internet and connects suppliers operating on a provider level. Class 4 Softswitch development for VoIP service providers must account for delivering 360-degree fully-functional apps with these factors of a Class 4 Softswitch solution.

  • Optimized and well-integrated routing and billing functionalities.
  • Linking IP networks to PSTN.
  • Controlling media and signaling.

But, how do these features work with Class 4 Softswitch? The answer is via Artificial Intelligence. AI helps the Class 4 Softswitch enhance routing, billing, and overall system accuracy. It doesn’t end here; many more benefits come in handy with the collaboration of AI and Class 4 Softswitch.

Read through this article to understand Artificial Intelligence, Class 4 Softswitch, and the benefits of Class 4 Softswitch solution with the infusion of AI for VoIP service providers in detail.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the simulation of real-time functions by machines, particularly computer systems. AI algorithms make decisions, often using live data, marking presence in every sector, including telecommunication.

The usability of Artificial Intelligence streamlines customer service and provides a personalized experience to all. In other words, Artificial Intelligence makes customization of services possible that best fit the targeted audience. Infusion of Artificial Intelligence with Class 4 Softswitch is one of the examples where AI applies its reasoning process, ensuring the most accurate results come from data-heavy tasks.

What Is Class 4 Softswitch?

Class 4 Softswitch transmits calls to a wholesale VoIP business provider for long-distance locations using an IP network. It is most suitable for routing international calls at a low price. Class 4 Softswitch platform swiftly manages to serve PSTN, carriers, Telco Operators, etc. It enables cost-efficient scaling of services and uncompromised voice quality.

Characteristics of Class 4 Softswitch

Class 4 SoftSwitch solution has some of the most promising features that attract VoIP service providers.

  • Transcoding
  • Concurrent calls
  • Several security features
  • A third-party routing engine
  • Protocol support and conversion
  • Intelligent call routing

Routing is one of the most widely used terminologies in the Class 4 Softswitch concept. Let’s delve deeper and understand the intricacies of this feature.

Benefits of Class 4 Softswitch With AI For Better Routing

Since we have gained the conceptual knowledge of Class 4 Softswitch, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Routing, let us look at the various benefits of using Class 4 Softswitch with AI.

  • AI makes better and more intelligent decisions for routing and traffic handling.
  • The system itself decides on automated call routing as the options increase.
  • AI improves the overall services and brand image of the VoIP service provider.
  • AI Improves Fax Routing.

Class 4 Softswitch solution handles packet congestion and lowers call expenses with the help of call routing. The process involves the selection of the least cost call routing from available routes in cross-border networks, which enhances profit margins. Furthermore, there are a few classifications of routing.

  • Percentage Routing: Call routing by percent implies a call is routed by a random selection, not by the least cost routing or prior-defined preference.
  • Dial Plan Routing: You can use a dial plan to simplify dialing or block specific types of calls, viz. as long-distance or international.

Also Read: How to Choose the Best VoIP Solutions Provider

Benefits of Class 4 Softswitch With AI For Better Billing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) fixes anomalies and removes complexities from the billing process. The billing process is one of the most critical factors of any business, which is often time-consuming if a large amount of data is billed, and prone to human error. The ability of the system implementation to account for every minute of usage is crucial. However, after the infusion of AI with Class 4 Softswitch, the billing process becomes easy, and there is an evident spike in ROI. Here are some of the most crucial benefits of the infusion of AI and Softswitch for better billing.

  • AI helps service providers fix billing rates based on multiple parameters related to the end user or reseller.
  • AI monitors traffic and finds and fixes odd highlights.
  • It also handles the entire process of calculation, billing, reminders, and payments.

Also, in VoIP Class 4 Softswitch, Artificial Intelligence plays a significant role in language translation, contact center operations, speech recognition, chatbots, and IVR. Therefore, the collaboration of Softswitch with AI renders ample amount of benefits. Choosing an experienced developer for customized Class 4 Softswitch solutions assures progress.


Indeed, AI is the future and its partnership with VoIP Softswitch is profitable for service providers. Ecosmob Technologies, which has a futuristic purview, provides AI-enabled Class 4 Softswitch solutions. Connect with us at to learn about the infusion of AI in Class 4 Softswitches and how to enrich your business by implementing it.

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